Grab a box of tissues to wipe away all the happy tears because this in-home newborn lifestyle session is most definitely going to tug at your heart strings! It’s not often I photograph newborns, but when I have the opportunity they are some of my absolute favorite sessions!
The Menendez’s In-Home Newborn Lifestyle Session
I had the absolute pleasure of photographing Kate and Dan’s maternity session earlier this summer at Garden of the Gods. So when she reached out asking if we could do a newborn lifestyle session in their home I was sooo excited, to say the least! Here are some FAQs about Newborn Lifestyle Sessions:
What is an In-Home Newborn Lifestyle Session?
A simple, organic photo session in the comfort of your home. Whether you are first time parents or this is your second/third/fourth, etc this session is sure to be one of your favorites and one you won’t regret booking!
When should I book this session?
I always suggest to my clients to book their lifestyle newborn photos within the first month of their precious bundle of joy’s life. The sooner, the better because time is sadly a thief. We want to capture those moments of your tiny little bean before they start to grow.
What time of day is best?
There are two factors to consider when answering this question.
The first is the brightest time of day in the area(s) of your home we will be photographing in. Most families opt for their nursery, master bedroom or living room. This is so that we have the absolute best lighting possible since we will be indoors. So any rooms with large, open windows with great filtered light are our BFF!
The second is around feeding or nap time. If you’re a breast feeding mama who wants those moments captured, opt for a time for when you’ll the baby eats. Otherwise, around nap-time is best!
Can we opt for a photography studio instead of in our home?
Absolutely! We are lucky to have so many awesome photography rental studios in the Denver / Colorado Springs area! If you prefer this option, I’ll help you find the perfect photography studio to fit y’all’s style!
Expecting a little one + wanting sweet memories of your fresh newborn?
I would be absolutely honored to capture these special moments for your precious little family. Please inquire here and please be sure to provide me with as much information as possible so I can better serve you!
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest to see my work in real time. Instagram is where I am most present online, especially in stories, so definitely follow along!

Ready to book Mae Meadows Photography for your own in-home newborn lifestyle session?!